Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It's a Baby Girl!

I (heart) pink!
"I was hoping to deliver some good news to you about adoption stuff by phone instead of text...when is your class over?"  My friend Krystel

Krystel sent me this text this morning in French class.  Studying direct and indirect objects in French is, well, a tad tedious, but I waited until the end of class to call her back.

"There is a 3-month old baby girl that may be available for adoption.  Do you want to meet her?"  Krystel asked.

Do fish swim?  
Do birds fly?  (Or most of them, at least)
Am I completely insane?  

Eric and I immediately sped over to the orphanage.  Seriously.  I got pulled over for going 9 kph over the speed limit--which is a whopping 5 mph for my American friends.

I should mention that this is my first time being pulled over in my entire life.  Eric and I won't pay bribes to police officers (anymore), so we asked for the ticket.  I didn't have $36 in cash, so we must report to the downtown police station to pay my fine within 7 days.  The officer didn't give me a ticket, a citation #, or anything.  He just scribbled my license plate number down on his note pad.  I'm curious how this whole system works.

When we reached the orphanage, we headed straight to the infant room.  We've already been to this place several times just to hold babies.  The little girl we came to see slept the entire time, so we held and fed other munchkins.  There are 12 infants there now, so feeding time is busy for the staff.

Baby girl finally woke up right before we needed to leave.  She's adorable and it's surreal that she could be my daughter one day.  I'm not allowing myself to get attached quite yet, because these things can change instantly.  First we must wait for the social worker to process our application file.

After meeting the little one, I dropped Eric off at the airport.  He's off to Kenya for a few days.

Even though I was still giddy after the orphanage visit, I was careful to do the speed limit all the way home.

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