Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Moving Day!

Our container arrives.
"The average American moves 11.7 times in a lifetime."

After war and famine, moving is one of the most stressful things for a family.  I know, because I've moved our junk treasures nine times in the last five months.  Each time I swear we are going to down-size to...

  • a bowl 
  • a spoon, and a 
  • a change of underwear
...for each person.

In February we loaded all of our earthly possessions into a container.  Six months later it arrived in Lusaka.   It was like Christmas.  The kids got their bikes, I got my Kitchenaid mixer, and Eric got his cordless screw gun.

Not-A-Surprise (#1):  my kids enjoyed the packing supplies more than their toys.

"Look mom, I can carry the apple with no hands."

Issac takes a running jump into the packing papers

Thursday:  Container arrived.  Eric unpacked.  I met with Social Welfare about our adoption application.  (No word on our baby girl...)

Friday:  Eric unpacked.  I helped him.   That night we had friends over to celebrate our move.

Saturday:  Eric unpacked.   Two girlfriends and I sold 150 homemade cupcakes at the Dutch Reformed Market.  This once-a-month market is quite the social event.  Who knew that pig cupcakes would be so popular?  We sold out!

That evening we hosted a BBQ with three other families at our mostly-unpacked home.

It is a wonderful chaos, because after eight months in transition, we are settling down.

Not-A-Surprise (#2):  Even though they have stacks of games, books, and toys, my kids still whine about being bored.  (Only five more days until French school starts!)

1 comment:

  1. I am amazed at how much fun our kids have been having the past 6 weeks with nothing to play with - everything is in storage. And I know that as soon as I bring out the toys, they'll be saying, "we're bored!" Same here...packing supplies, boxes, tape - they seem happier w/ that! What do we have all the STUFF for? I am glad you guys are getting settled...there is something good about that! :) and sounds like you need to post your cupcake recipe, given how popular it is!
