"Well, you soul selling no good Son-of-a-shoe-fittin' fire starters! I ought to tear your no good perambulatory bone frame and nail it to your government walls..."
Roger Miller from Big River: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Yesterday was attempt #2 for Alex and Isaac's passport renewals.
We arrived 16 minutes before closing, and the "workers" told me that they were done with applications for the day. Done. No time to staple the photos to the applications and take our $210. And there wasn't even a line.
What kind of childhood did these people have to grow into such cold-hearted people?
Eric escorted me out of the office and said, "If you think this is bad, wait till we get to Africa."
In Rwanda, Eric had Malaria and needed an exit visa to leave the country. He paid the $50 fee, and the clerk wouldn't issue the paperwork, because he didn't have any more receipts. It was 4 pm on Friday, and Eric would need to come back on Monday. Nevermind that Eric would miss his flight and/or DIE before then. Rules are rules.
That day Eric convinced the clerk to make an exception. I wish he'd done that yesterday too.
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