Friday, April 8, 2011

School and Driving

"This car is upside down." --Alex Showell

I’m impressed with my children.  We left Seattle Friday.  Arrived in Lusaka Monday.  On Tuesday Alex and Isaac started school, and they love it.  Alex already has five boyfriends, and Isaac has three girlfriends. 
The national language is English (Yee haw!), but we’ve enrolled them in a French school.   Alex told me, “It sounds like they are just saying nonsense words, Mom, but it’s like a secret language.  I can’t wait until I understand it.”
I don’t want my children to have a “secret” language that can be used against me, so I start French classes next week.
I'm dying to settle down. We've been in transition since February, and I can’t find a darn thing anymore.  This week we stayed at a friend's home while they were out of town.  Today we move back into a hotel until we can sign a lease on our own home.
Driving is an extreme sport here.  Everything is opposite for us, so we often turn on the windshield wipers when we want to signal a turn.  Street names are occasionally marked, and major intersections are massive traffic circles of pandemonium.  The Zambian government should issue WARNING placards for our car to alert the other drivers.


  1. My folks HATED it that my sister and I both took French in high school. She treated it like a secret language and would ask me stuff in front of them.
    Luckily, when it's Ben's turn to learn a language, he can only speak to himself!

  2. Quite the adventure! Praying for your safety on the roads and that your French skills surpass those of your kids.
