Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sarah's Poem in French

"Forgive them Father"
Monsieur Guy gave us an assignment last Thursday:  write a poem in French.  I performed this piece for everyone, while Monsieur Guy accompanied me on his keyboard.  Everyone cheered, because they all know how obnoxious the bus drivers are.  The drivers are frequently drunk and aggressive, and the vehicles are notorious for breaking down in the middle of the road.

Ma Bête Noire

Tu es une bête noire,
mais tu es le couleur bleue.
Tu penses que to possédes la rue.
IGNOREZ la loi du traffic.
Tu me vois?
Je suis la Corolla.  Petite.  Blanche.
Blanche comme une ange.
Mais quand tu es prôche,
Je veux être un diable.
Un diable juste comme toi.

My Pet Peeve [literally, black beast]

You are a black beast [or pet peeve],
but you are the color blue.
You think that you own the road.
IGNORE the traffic law.
Do you see me?
I am the Corolla.  Petite.  White.
White like an angel.
But when you are nearby,
I want to be a devil.
A devil just like you.

This morning I grabbed a cappuccino at the local coffee shop.  I ran into Helen from Alex and Isaac's French School.

"How are you?" I asked.

"Oh...I'm fine," she replied. I figured she was just tired, because it was Monday morning, and she's got four children.

"I'm just grabbing a coffee before I head out to French class," I said.

She smiled, "Oh, you are taking French.  Good for you."

"Yes," I said proudly, "I even wrote a poem called Ma Bête Noir."

"Oh that's nice," she replied.  Then she dropped an atomic bomb.

"My 10-year-old son has cancer in his leg, so I'm headed to South Africa today for further tests.  Then perhaps we will have to go back to France for further treatment."  Tears welled up in her eyes...and mine.

My heart breaks for this mom as she combats a true Black Beast.  Kind of puts annoying mini-bus drivers into perspective, doesn't it?

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